Spending all my nights, 整個夜晚,在城市裡用盡身上的每一分錢
All my money going out on the town
Doing anything just to get you off of my mind 不管做什麼事,只為了想忘記你
But when the morning comes, 但是當旭日東昇
I'm right back where I started again 我又再一次回到原點
Trying to forget you is just a waste of time 想要忘記你似乎只是再浪費時間

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see 親愛的,回到我身邊,再愚蠢的人也看的出來
There was something in everything about you 我的周圍充滿了你的影子
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me 親愛的請回到我身邊,一切都怪我不好
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you 過去是我錯了,而我真的不能沒有你

All day long, wearing a mask of false bravado 白天,我總帶著虛偽誇張的面具
Trying to keep up the smile that hides a tear 把眼淚隱藏在笑容的背後
But as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again 但是當夜幕低垂,心中又再一次感到空虛
How I wish to God that you were here多希望你在我身邊

Now that I put it all together 此刻,向你表明我心中的一切(不確定)
Give me the chance to make you see 給我機會讓你明白
Have you used up all the love in your heart 是否你已用盡你心中所有的愛
Nothing left for me, ain't there nothing left for me 一絲都不留給我嗎?一絲都不留給我嗎?

    創作者 倫仔 的頭像


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